Donate Online

MHCDF is a charity registered as tax-exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)3. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214. This License is not an endorsement by the State.

Donate by Mail Options

To make a gift by mail, please download this form and make check or money order payable to MHCDF. 

Mail to:
P.O. Box 93
Mount Holly, NC 28210

Other Ways to Donate:

via PayPal:
[email protected]

via Venmo:

via Zelle:
[email protected]

DONATIONS (may be undesignated or designated), anonymous optional:
(i) Philanthropy Donations
Accepted by payment now or by pledge invoiced
(ii) Legacy Donations
Designate MHCDF as beneficiary under Last Will, Trust, or Insurance (please notify us and provide a copy)
(iii) Recurring/Pledge Donations
Set up regular payments to MHCDF through your online banking; OR request regular invoicing
(iv) One-Time Donations
via website:
via mail: MHCDF, P. O. Box 93, Mt. Holly, NC 28120
via PayPal: [email protected]
via Venmo: @Mthollycdf
via Zelle: [email protected]